The Helpful Stranger

1 min readMay 19, 2022

On a stormy winter night, a young man was walking on the streets, shivering in the dark. He was really worn out after a long day at work and decided to stay in an inn that day instead of going home since it was already too late. As the wind continued to flow at a tremendous speed he spotted an inn at the end of the lane. He gathered all his energy and started walking toward the inn as the storm forcefully attacked him. He struggled to keep his eyes open and maintain his balance in the storm.

Soon he lost all his energy and fell to his knees and slowly closed his eyes as the fierce storm surrounded him. And then an old man with a lantern woke him up and wrung his hands around his shoulder and asked him where he has to go. The young man, with the rest of his energy, pointed towards the inn. The old man slowly took him to the inn and made sure he was comfortable.

Before the young man could thank the stranger, he was already outside the inn on the road, about to help another person who was shivering in the storm.




I am happy-go-lucky person who wants this whole world to be always happy.