The Journey To Success

1 min readAug 10, 2020
Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

If we want to succeed in life, according to me the most important thing is The Deadline. For example, you want to make a sculpture and you have no deadline for it. On the first day, you will sculpt a bit, and on the second day you will sculpt a bit more, and because you have unlimited time, after many days you will lose interest in it and you would never finish it. But, on the other hand, if you had a 3-day deadline, On the first day, you will sculpt a little, and on the second day you will sculpt a bit more, but on the third day since you have to finish it before the Deadline, you will work day and night to finish it and you would finish it. Deadlines can make so much difference. If you keep a deadline for a project, you will succeed in making it, if you keep a deadline for a book, you will succeed in writing it. If my mother had not given me the deadline to write a blog today, I wouldn't have got an idea or completed this blog😊😊.




I am happy-go-lucky person who wants this whole world to be always happy.